Insurance Information
We accept most major insurance carriers. All insurance companies offer a variety of plans. While we participate with the carriers listed here, we do not always participate with all of their plans. Please call your insurance carrier or our office to determine whether or not we participate with your specific plan. If you are calling your insurance carrier please provide them with our tax ID number (74-2161737) to see if we take your specific plan.
Insurance co-pay (if required) is due at the time of service. For your convenience, we accept:
- Cash
- Personal Check
- MasterCard
- Visa
- Discover Card
Open enrollment ends on January 15, 2022
Visit Connect for Health Colorado to purchase an individual health plan. If you want a plan that includes CU Medicine, UCHealth and other in-network affiliates, there are two options for the 2022 plan year: Anthem Pathway (“Pathways HMP”) and a new plan called Oscar Colorado Partners Choice.
Attention obstetrics patients:
Please check with your insurance provider to see if delivering at Rose Medical Center is in-network or out-of-network. Not all covered insurances work with Rose Medical Center.
Attention University of Colorado health insurance policy holders:
The information below applies only to patients that have health insurance plans through the University of Colorado – not other BlueCross/BlueShield (BC/BS) plans. Some, but not all, patients with a University of Colorado health insurance policy are able to be cared for at Rose Medical Center. Please find your health insurance plan below to see your specific eligibility.
Kaiser EPO – cannot deliver at Rose OR have surgery at Rose.
CU BC/BS Anthem Exclusive – cannot deliver at Rose OR have surgery at Rose.
CU BC/BS Anthem Extended – CAN deliver at Rose and have surgery at Rose.
CU BC/BS Anthem High Deductible – CAN deliver at Rose and have surgery at Rose.